In the present moment, we are always free to think and feel
whatever we want. No matter the circumstance, no one can dictate what we think
about. Our thoughts are always our own. Unless we are under the influence of
some type of mind altering drug, we are free to think about what we want. If we
were in prison, as Nelson Mandela was for 27 years, we could still decide
weather to harbor hate or foster forgiveness.
We can still decide either to grow hope in our heart or
despair. We can either prepare ourselves or we can tenaciously hang on to our
past. These choices are always ours to make in each moment. To harbor anger and
resentment, the Buddha says is like drinking poison and expecting the other
person to die. To forgive and never lose hope no matter the circumstances is to
exercise our right to chose what we think about.
What we think about dictates how we feel. If we think
hopeful thoughts we will feel much different than if we dwell on discouraging
thoughts. Hate fosters dark feelings, forgiveness fosters peace and joy. If we
spend our time focusing on thoughts of regret, we will feel hopeless and sad.
If we spend our time and energy focusing on thoughts of process, improvement,
learning, and growing we will feel feelings of joy and excitement. If we focus
on thoughts of overwhelm, noise and dysfunction, we will feel anxious,
suppressed and weak. If we think we are alone, disconnected and isolated we
will feel deep sadness, gloom and desperation.
What we find difficult is to change the deep rooted default thoughts
and emotions that we have played over and over in our minds and hearts. But we
are not victims. We are always free to throw off those robes that weigh us down
and bind us. We are free to change the way we think, always, in every moment.
Now is the time. It is not always easy but there is no foe to fight. We are
free to change what we think about and to change how we feel.
When we change our thoughts and our feelings we change our
perspective. The world, our circumstances, and our relationships all look
We are completely Free!
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