
Reader Reviews (from for the previous edition)

the 100th human

33 Reviews
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Average Customer Review
4.6 out of 5 stars (33 customer reviews)

5.0 out of 5 stars The best story of awakening since Celestine Prophecy, October 30, 2011
Lindananda - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
If you are on the path of awakening to the truth of who you are, this book will enhance your understanding of knowing you are a spiritual being experiencing a human body and just how the consciousness of knowing this truth evolves.

With 2012 energies already experienced by many, the 100th Human fully reveals, in an interesting and heart-felt storyline, the multi-dimensions and expansiveness of our individual and collective human experience. And the inter-connection we have through the ages with ancient civilizations that are the original way showers.

A powerful message of what it means to be fully awake and living as ONE.
This is a book meant to be shared.

Linda Carter Backes

5.0 out of 5 stars The 100th Human, October 30, 2009
K. R. Winmill "Ruthy" (New Zealand) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I loved this book. It really made me feel like I wanted to tell the whole world how important this time is coming up to 2012 and why.I couldn't put it down, which is unusual for me with a book. Well done Chris Fenwick, I just had to keep reading the next page. And the End, yes the End - perfect. I told all my Facebook Friends about this book and recommended they read it. Tried to find at local bookstores, but no-one had it so I ordered it off Amazon. Thanks Chris Fenwick and to my friend Sue who passed it to me to read..:-)

3.0 out of 5 stars Spiritual thoughts disguised as fiction (Spoilers ahead), August 19, 2009
Bryan Carter - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Kindle Edition)
Okay, first let me start by saying that I love Mayan Doomsday fiction. As I started reading the first few chapters, I could not put the book down. I was enthralled by the **SPOILERS**Mayan Cave excavation and the mystery surrounding it. Just as I got excited to figure out the mystery of the cave mural with the main characters, suddenly the author introduces a new character that pretty much EXPLAINS everything. No mystery!!!He tells the main characters their exact role in the plot. From there the book went downhill to me. There was no sense of danger. The characters themselves always mused that they were going to be successful in their goal of enlightening the human race. Everything happened in the book way to conveniently for me. The characters simply drove around, and one would have a feeling or vision, or just by happenstance they would stumble upon the next character, or Gatekeeper, as the author called them, who would explain everything to them up to that point.

I understand that the author's intent was to show that they were on a divine spiritual mission and they were destined to succeed. But everyhting was a little TOO conveneient for my reading tastes. Another problem I had was the villain's organization. I'm sure it was set up as a vatican-like group intentionally. The author's views on religion are implied (religion=misguided faith=way for powerful elite to keep their authority over the common person). While some of this can be true, it is not religion that causes this but the select few humans who are consumed by their own lust for power that abuse it in the name of religion.

Overall, because of the great beginning I give the book 3 stars. As a spiritual, feel good book I offer a separate rating: 5 stars. Fenwick did introduce some interesting concepts about humanity and how all of our lives are connected. None of them are really new (oness, unity, love, etc.), but it did make me think a little about the author's message. Perhaps this was Fenwick's intent.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book with spiritual truths, August 4, 2009
D. Muller (Netherlands) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This book contains a great deal of spiritual truths woven throughout an intense and fun to read adventure-like story. What sets this book apart in my opinion from many other similar 'new age' books is that these spiritual concepts are practical and down-to-earth (unselfish love, simple kindness and free will choices). I love how the book correlates with many other spiritual teachings I have come to hold as bits 'n pieces of truth.

i also highly recommend reading The Lost Teachings of Atlantis

1.0 out of 5 stars Disturbing, to say the least, June 23, 2009
K. Baisch - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Kindle Edition)
Actually, I was highly offended by this book and deeply saddened by the way Christianity was treated. By reading the Bible you would find Jesus preached peace above all else and this book twisted Christianity upside down and inside out. If I had wanted a liberal slanted political book, I would have bought something written by Al Franken.I just wanted to be intertained and found I wasn't.

5.0 out of 5 stars the 100th human by kathy elliott, May 6, 2009
K. Elliott "Kindle Addict" (Punta Gorda ,Florida) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Kindle Edition)
this is the best book i have ever read how i wish this was the world we lived in .i baught it on my kindle but did not read it for a long time i am so glad i saved for when i need a great read hope is some thing we all need in this life

5.0 out of 5 stars the 100th human, January 21, 2009
Kimberly J Fabre, DDS (Bradenton, FL) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
A masterpiece novel that elevates the reader to higher consciousness while being intrigued in a fabulous tale. The fiction format softens the impact of the timely and evolutionary non-fiction elements. Ancient wisdom comes to us through these pages as we ponder and prepare for the end of the Mayan calendar and all the possibilities that lay ahead. Chris Fenwick has gifted us with this beautiful story.

5.0 out of 5 stars A gift that's already giving, October 1, 2007
J. McCrary (Lancaster PA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
After 30 years in publishing, I'm a pretty demanding reader, especially when it comes to fiction. The 100th Human was a gift from a colleague; I was pleased to receive it, but my expectations were not high. After the first few pages, I found I was pulled into the story despite myself. The characters and their mission resonated with me and I rooted hard for them (and read fast). The next night, I found myself taking a yoga class for the first time in five years; a day or two later I began to meditate again. The 100th Human has already affected me in a positive way.

5.0 out of 5 stars Are YOU IN on this?, September 1, 2007
Rama Demetrius Dyushambee "The Cosmic Detective" (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
Although this book is published under the "Fiction" genre, the fundamental concept is real to many of us who are functioning on the level of conscious awareness of possibilities. As the quote attributed to Albert Einstein states "Imagination is more important than knowledge", which I interpret as meaning `knowledge is the conscious awareness of a done deal, i.e., that which is known about what is a happening and what has happened.' And, imagination is a mental projection of what can happen.

Many of us have heard it said that "All good things must come to an end." Likewise, it is reasonable and logical to think that `All bad things must come to an end.' In other words, everything is cyclical. And, astronomically and astrologically the 26,000 years phase of Pisces with an emphasis on learning the potential and power of Belief systems is ending as this earth and Milky Way galaxy moves and shifts into the 26,000 years phase of Aquarius with the emphasis on learning and Knowing the validity and power of the unity and Oneness of this world to ALL worlds - inclusive of the Spirit World(s).

With this perspective and priority clear in our thinking, choices and behavior we can create the best reality of the future desirable habitation for life on this planet for ALL. In this scenario rather than being careful what we are asking for, we can be confident about what we are asking for, mentally projecting and creating as we mentally evolve beyond blind faith in beliefs that allow for the perpetuation of confusion, dysfunctional relationships, continuous wars and conflicts in individual psyches, which manifest in perpetual wars between individuals, groups and nations.

In the 100th Human Chris Fenwick has comprehensively, beautifully and most interestingly - with intrigue - described how this most desirable future can be achieved. Leaving us with the most important question for each of us individuals to answer for ourselves, which is - Are YOU IN on and with this, doing YOUR part to make it real?

Fear no-thing. Believe it or not. Avoid ignorance, or deal with it. Beliefs can change, the Truth does not change - Claim YOUR inherent right to KNOW the difference. Have no doubt.

Rama Demetrius Dyushambee, DD
Aka: The Cosmic Detective - Vishnu aspect
Author of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Do-It-Yourself Manual
Musician & Composer for LET'S HEAL IT
Minister and Founder

4.0 out of 5 stars New thoughts for the future, August 24, 2007
L. Thelen (MI) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This book is a novel with some very important messages. Although the story is somewhat of a take off on the Celestine Prophecy, the messages of the "keys" can be taken out of the story and applied to help our culture and selves to grow beyond our limiting thoughts, beliefs, and actions. I would recommend this book for those wanting to expand their thoughts and understanding of the concept of "critical mass" theory. I do think that the author is on the right track in explaining and searching for the "100th Human". Every little bit of knowledge helps to add one more drop in the bucket so to speak.
5.0 out of 5 stars TiOva - 100th Human: Page Turner, August 23, 2007
N. Padron "The Book Doctor" (Gardena, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
When I first heard of Ian Lungold and his premise and studies on the Mayan Calendar, I was hooked. This book, The 100th Human, put a lot of information into context for me; especially the studies of the monkeys (the 100th monkey). While fiction, it gave me hope for a better future. Not the doom and gloom I'm used to hearing about, but a future we can indeed define for ourselves as spiritual beings.

The characters were well developed and had their own individual voices. Their backgrounds were nothing less than amazing. The twists and turns in the plot, kept me glued to the page.

As soon as I finished, I passed it on to my 80-year old mom. She called the next day and told me she stayed up all night reading until she finished. It is now circulating the senior citizen home and a topic of the ladies' luncheons.

Thanks Chris for a fun-filled, yet enlightening read.

4.0 out of 5 stars A Positive Book!, August 21, 2007
Hardarshan K. Khalsa - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I am another Kundalini Yoga instructor who found this book to be so uplifting and so in accordance with the teachings of Kundalini Yoga that I am also beginning to teach yoga classes following the wonderful "8 keys". If you are a person who looks to the future with a positive outlook, this is a great reinforcement, and a good book to share with others!

5.0 out of 5 stars Spiritual Being having the Human experience., August 21, 2007
Arthur R. Jenkins "Jacquerie" (Powhatan, Virginia) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I found the 100th Human to be a very enjoyable story. A reminder of how connected each of us is to ever other person. The story is uplifting and positive in the outcome at the end. Having been aware of the Mayan end times and expecting the worse the 100th Human reminded me that we as the spiritual beings having the human experience have the choice for a better outcome. This is our choice to have the best experience and the 100th Human shows how this may be possible. Thank you for writing a book with the inspiring story. The 100th Human has inspired me to become a better person that I might have been. Thank you,

5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST READ BY ALL!!!!, August 21, 2007
Gina M. Seippel "Just Gina" (Fairfax, VA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This is an amazing book!! I am not an avid book reader I must admit, but once I picked this one up I couldn't put it down. I have read several publications on the subject of 2012 and I have to say that most of them make you want to run for cover. I just LOVED the twist that the genius Chris Fenwick put on the entire concept of 2012!! The book was full of twists and turns, totally action packed, thrown in with some light humor along the way, and plenty of thought provoking pages to keep you not only interested and reading, but urge you to share the message with others. I used to swear by the Celestine Prophesy, but no more! This is THE book that is a MUST read by ALL!!! If we could all learn the lessons written in this book imagine the outcome.

5.0 out of 5 stars 8 keys to save the world!, August 21, 2007
Irene A. Grozelle (Kitchener, ON, Canada) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
the 100th human is a must read for anyone longing for truth and how to get it. I have read many books about spirituality and have found none which held my attention as much as this one. Chris Fenwick's way of introducing the 8 keys for survival are so in tune with "now" beliefs and the way she has incorporated them with teachings of the "masters" is both entertaining and enlightening. Bravo Chris! Namaste.

5.0 out of 5 stars Thought Provoking Adventure, August 21, 2007
Janet Hickox (Sedro-Woolley, WA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I absolutely loved this book. From the very first page I was caught up in the adventure that Jack, Apu & Alana were embarked upon. As I got further into the book I realized the wonderful spirituality inherent in it. The concept of the 8 keys is simple, heart-centered and right on! Thank you Chris for writing such a wonderful book.
Janet Hickox
Mystik Moon Promotions
Sedro-Woolley, WA

3.0 out of 5 stars Falling Short, August 18, 2007
Ernest Buckley (NYC) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
Fenwick wrote this much in the style of the Celestine Prophecy but it falls way short. The ideas/insights are teachings mostly from Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra but its the way the book ends that leaves you disappointed. It takes some time to get there but everything sort of comes together unrealistically in the last 10 pages. Perhaps a more gradual climax would have satisfied me. There are also several misspellings and bad editting here but thats pretty much most books.

5.0 out of 5 stars Truth, July 29, 2007
Phire "Truth Seeker" (Portland, ME) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This is the most remarkable book I have ever read! The truths that are revealed within it's covers will change the lives of anyone reading it! Yes Chris wrote it as a fiction but the vehicle for it is Truth. The 8 keys that are revealed are stepping stones to our spiritual lives. Read it, absorb it and know the love and freedom we were created to live in!!!

5.0 out of 5 stars AWESOME, July 9, 2007
Karen L. Mclaughlin "AKHNATON" (NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)

5.0 out of 5 stars 100 miles per hour, June 26, 2007
Inga W. Tomasino (Denver, CO) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I don't often read novels and it takes me forever to finish one. However, this one got read in two days. The pace is fast, the plot is exciting and the ending was a delight and surprise. If the beginning of 2013 could start the way this book ended we could all be hopeful for a better world. I.W.T. Denver, CO

4.0 out of 5 stars Not an original plot, June 5, 2007
Entertainment Enlightenment - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
The seven keys are uncovered through sycronisity while an evil organization plots to suppress the knowlege. Basically the same plot as 'The Celestine Prophecy' or either of it's sequels, and the evil organization almost right out of 'The DaVinchi Code'.

I found the seven keys enlightening and uplifting, and the story to be entertaining and well paced. The tone was not overly preachy, which is a common failure in this type of book. Unfortunately, it was not a page turner for me. The main plot lines were too predictable, and the stories outside the main plot were just sentimental fluff.

Entertainment: 3 stars
Enlightenment: 5 stars

5.0 out of 5 stars ***** The Magnum Opus on 2012 and Beyond *****, May 22, 2007
John Jay Harper "" (Spokane, WA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)

Clearly-written, forcefully-presented, a classic tale for a modern mind struggling to break-free from the programming of our past centuries. This is not your usual feel-good story told to put you back to sleep; rather it is an alarm clock warning of our mission; We must all help wake-up our world or see the nuclear mushroom clouds form over our city! As I show in my own book on this subject-matter; it is all about awakening to the role we play in helping others to achieve the ultimate goal of self-empowerment or face the consequences of a huge electromagnetic pole shift in era-2012 that will do the same thing; but only for the ... survivors!

Dr. John Jay Harper is author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century

5.0 out of 5 stars The 100th Human, April 24, 2007
Tom Robertson "Domasi" (Oklahoma City, OK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This is a very good book. I couldn't put it down once I started reading it.

5.0 out of 5 stars The 100th Human by Chris Fenwick, March 10, 2007
lynnoh "lynnoh" (Louisiana) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
It is a must read!!! Although this is a novel the keys in it apply to us all. It was very spirtual and enlightening and makes you feel good. I recieved a free copy and have ordered several for friends who have enjoyed the book

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Enjoyable, February 27, 2007
C. Arnold (Tulsa, OK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
Don't pick up this book unless you have time to read for awhile. You will not want to put it down. It is one of those stories that hits home with life. Our paths that we have taken, have not all been easy. It reminds you that when you are balanced and in focus the most amazing things can happen. At the end you think, there may be more truth in this than we know. Great Book !!!!

5.0 out of 5 stars Good fictional story while putting forth sacred concepts, February 20, 2007
Charlene D. Barker "yoga teacher" (Houma, LA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This book was one that I didn't want to put down - the storyline itself was fun and thrilling, but the sacred truths and concepts that Chris Fenwick weaved into the story were what had me so interested in getting to the next "key" or sacred truth that leads human consciousness into an elevated state and one of peace and love. It is a timely and a necessary read in the hopes that we each individually have the power to help change the self destructive course we all appear to be heading toward.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great and engaging, had me up all night reading it!, February 12, 2007
Kevin C. Snow - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I thoroughly enjoyed this fast paced, adventurous and thoughtful novel from beginning to end. I particularly enjoyed the mixture of modern humanistic mysticism and anthropology. After reading the first few chapters I was taken back to my college days as an anthropology minor and was reminded of the joys and insights I gained from exploring other cultures. I really appreciate when any book takes a look at this subject matter and this one does so with such style and with a message that everyone needs to hear. As a Unitarian Universalist, I found the book to personify my beleifs beautifully, whether this was accidental or intentional. Read this book and learn something along with enjoying a well written adventure story. Huzzah!!

5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome, Timely, Fast Read, January 11, 2007
LH Watson (Anthem, AZ, United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I love when authors write "fictional" stories to support spiritual truths, as in the Celestine Prophecy. This one nits the nail on the head and describes so much of what is going on right now on this beautiful planet. We are only just under 6 years away from December 21, 2012. What a timely "story". I was rivited from the get go and felt amazing shifts in my spiritual energy. Brava, Chris!

5.0 out of 5 stars A new way of looking at the world, and yourself., December 29, 2006
Jeffrey J. Keene (Trumbull, CT. USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
I just finished reading The 100th Human and felt compelled to leave a comment here on Amazon. I found many of the same insights in the story that I have found in my own life-travels. Truth is truth no matter where you find it. The book is well written and was a pleasure to read from beginning to end. It starts in a cave and ends on a mountain top, sort of going from the dark into the light. I know it is Chris Fenwick's hope to enlighten people with this book. She has done a great job with it so now it is your responsibility to read it. You will not be disappointed.

3.0 out of 5 stars good idea..., November 6, 2006
philip horvath "catalyst - improving the qual... (L.A., USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
the story idea is definitely fascinating and in a way motivating. The execution is only okay, i.e. the actual writing, story development etc seems a bit naive at times, but it was definitely fun ;-)
5.0 out of 5 stars An overwhelming adventure of catastrophic yet also potentially enlightening transformations sweeping the human world., November 5, 2006
Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
Set in December 2012, the final day of a 5000 year old Mayan calendar, The 100th Human is a novel about the discovery of a riddle about the "End of Days". A team of scientists seeking answers becomes embroiled in a journey that will bring them amid a war between good and evil; metaphysical and spiritual forces beyond human ken flourish with repercussions that no mortal can hope to guess. An overwhelming adventure of catastrophic yet also potentially enlightening transformations sweeping the human world.

5.0 out of 5 stars A Great, thought provoking read..., June 16, 2006
Tami Shaw (Sacramento) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This book, while different in plot, reminded me of the consciousness in charater, similar to that of Celestine Prophecy, and the thought provoking mystery of the DaVinci Code. I enjoyed the characters and their evolution (and healing)...I LOVED the possiblities this book embraces and - to some - introduces. I really enjoyed the psychology and spirituality and the many paths that are explored. I want to be party to and a part of the 100th human. Let's put on our party hats and rise to the next level! (P.S. - Good job Chris!)

5.0 out of 5 stars Picked me up off my feet and I will never stand the same., May 27, 2006
Dustin "Dustin" (Mechanicsburg, PA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: the 100th human (Paperback)
This is one of the best books that I have ever read. Chris Fenwick does a wonderful job of combining a fantastic plot (with great characters), amazing ideas, and intriguing facts. The book is a very quick read in the sense that once you pick it up you will not want to put it down. The story continually keeps your attention with hair raising suspense while at the same time grounding some essential points home. She intelligently bring together different ideas such as "the 100th monkey" and the end of the Mayan calendar (which is the basis of the book). The fiction is extremely well written and I can honestly say as a reader this will not go back on the book shelf, only because I plan on re-reading it very soon. I would recommend this book to everyone.