Key 8. Transformation

"Worship means reverence and humility, it means revering your real self and humbling delusions." -- Bodhidharma

Chapter: 100
Symbol: Sun and Hunab Ku
Gatekeeper: Jacky
Location: Mountain top in Colorado

The eighth and final key in the story is the culmination of all the other keys, as love is not the means to the end, love is the end. There are two merged symbols for the eighth key. The first is the sun representing the unconditional love of God, which gives life to all on earth. The second symbol is the Mayan Hunab Ku, which means: One source of energy. The Hunab Ku tells a story of the merging from duality into Oneness. These symbols combined represent the moment of forgiveness and the transition to unconditional love. 
Through Jacky’s words and actions he reveals the forgiveness, humility and reverence that are required in each moment of transcendence.

"Only through forgiveness and love can opposites transcend. Together they are joined in this moment—this moment of transition, this moment in time—when we transcend our bonds of duality and become one in life and love. The final key is love, unconditional love, and reverence for each other as we come together in complete unity.”
-- Chapter100

We must to be humbled by love’s perfection in every aspect of creation, in every human being and in every act of true courage.  We must forgive one another and ourselves completely and fully. And we must revere Love’s light, the light of the sun/son (Jacky), the light of God that exists in every moment. All fear, doubt, strife, darkness, pain and suffering fall away instantly—for the power of consciousness, the light of unconditional love dissolves it away. It is a phantom and cannot withstand against the light of its presence.

"On the question of relating to our fellowman—our neighbor's spiritual need transcends every commandment. Everything else we do is a means to an end. But love is an end already, since God is love."   -- Edith Stein

Forgiveness is a holy act that is required in order to transcend the duality. Forgiveness, Reverence and Love—these noble words, once experienced, grant us the Power of Transcendence.

Be the 100th human!

Resource Books 8th Key:

 TheTao of Forgiveness—William Martin

 ChaosPoint 2012 and BeyondErvin Laszlo

An Open Heart—The Dalai Lama & Nicholas

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