“He who experiences
the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his
own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.” –the Buddha
Chapter: 54
Symbol: Interwoven Circle
Gatekeeper: Jake Jenkins
Location: Jake and Sally’s house near Silverthorne, CO
The forth key brings our attention to how related and
connected we all are to each other. Jake
Jenkins, the peaceful giant in the book, educates us on both the technical
similarities and viable associations we all share. Adopting the truth that We are One can be an antidote for
loneliness. However, some people find it challenging or resist the idea of
being related or connected to those
they do not know, dislike or even hate. I encourage you to seek out and clear
away grudges and resentments. They serve only to get in the way of happiness.
Accept and embrace how connected we all are.
In the story, the symbol for the forth key is an
interwoven circle, illustrating how our lives are inextricably interconnected
now and forever.
The power of Unity can seem somewhat paradoxical.
We can really only change ourselves. However, since we are all connected,
genetically, molecularly, environmentally, socially and metaphysically then by
changing ourselves we change the whole. One choice at a time, we can shift into
critical mass. All choice, power, and change take place in the ever-present
“…all of life is a continuum, meaning that it’s all
connected. And in more ways than one, I’ve found out, we are related. Do you
know that we share each other’s molecules? Through a complete lifetime, all of
the molecules in the world have been in my body and in every other person’s
body on the planet. People in China
have had my molecules, and I’ve had the molecules of people in the Middle East
and Africa. We are all made up of the same stuff.
...not only are our bodies made up of the same molecules
as everyone else, but genetically speaking, we are 99.99 percent exactly the
same. Everyone on the planet is that closely related.
....not only are all things related, but all things are
possible, and we are connected to all things and to all possibilities.” -- Chapter 54
When enough of us are making daily, vital choices toward
awareness and unity, a critical mass shift will take place in the entire
populace. This is not a new age notion to be dismissed as overly optimistic,
but rather a proven scientific phenomenon that has occurred repeatedly
throughout our history.
“All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”
--Victor Hugo
How should we proceed toward Unity? Forgive and Embrace your fellow man and woman. The ball is
in your court. Be aware of and embrace Unity
-- for we truly are all in this together.
Be aware of and embrace Unity.
Be the 100th human!
Books for the 4th Key:
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