When we walk around feeling lonely and disconnected our perceptions
are misaligned with reality. When we treat others poorly or with even
disregard we are blind to the connection that lies between us and the
missed opportunity to acknowledge that connection. When we sling arrows
of hatred and discontent towards our fellow human beings we trample on
the very essence of that connection and the hope for peace in our
future. It is okay to point out ideas and behaviors that are not
desirable or fair or wholesome. But we must not personally attack our
fellows, for when we do we stall our collective efforts to foster peace
and our momentum in creating a better future.
Orland Bishop, who works to foster peace among some
of the most violent gangs populations in the US, traveled to Africa and
studied the Zulu tribe. The Zulu consider themselves a collective, and
perceive themselves as "we" versus a group of "I's." This
acknowledgement of we "brings us into a relational space - a shared
space- with another and within the community." "This shared space is
seen as a sanctuary where each person can be seen, heard and
understood." In these moments of sanctuary we can discover "shared
meaning" and find our common humanity.
If we can acknowledge that there is a connection, a
bond between us, we can begin to see each other differently. If we can
perceive the "quality of each other" (Bishop) we can begin to allow,
create and acknowledge moments of connection. This is the "moments in
the bonds where difference doesn't matter." Once we can acknowledge the
unity in and between ourselves and everyone else and everything else on
the planet, we begin to see, feel and behave differently. "By removing a
self-serving aim from the relationship, we stop fighting nature and
surrender to our natural impulse toward holism." (McTaggert, The Bond)
This does not mean that we will always agree with
each other. This does not mean that it will always be easy. But if we
can begin to acknowledge that there is a connection, a shared space, a
potential sanctuary between us that binds us, we can begin to allow and
reserve those spaces for true connection. As we do this, we are on our
way to discovering peace in ourselves and in our world.
Orland Bishop, The ShadeTree Foundation (http://www. globalonenessproject.org/ people/orland-bishop)
Lynne McTaggart, The Bond (http://www.amazon.com/Bond-Connecting-Through-Space-Between/dp/1439157944/)
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