Creations are not the point. You may ask: "What is
the point?" The point of life is to remember who we are. To connect to the
part of us that is the Creator. To find that link inside oneself and let it
expand into our entire being until it is all of who we are.
The creations are little (or big) desires that bubble up
within your consciousness to drive us. They are motivators. But the results are
not the payoff. The act of creating is the payoff. The realization that we can
and do create is the payoff. The creations, the things we create will never
satisfy us. They will never fill our hearts and souls. And we can not take them
with us when we die. They are temporal, static events that are simple
byproducts of being a Creator.
What we create is only a reflection. When we stare at a
still pond and see our reflection, we can understand the relationship between
the creator and the creation. The reflection is only the image, not the real
thing, If someone comes along and throws a rock into the pond, does it hurt
you? No. The water ripples, but we remain unharmed. The reflection will
return to the true state if we wait. Who we truly are remains untouched. Often
we move our identity into the creation; the reflection. When we do this, we
assume separation. Separation from our true selves causes fear, pain, disease,
unhappiness and death. We become as static, unmoving, and powerless as the
creation. We must keep our awareness of who we are, and move back to our true
Understanding and assuming who we are is what satisfies us.
It is what will fill our lives with happiness, peace and joy. As we awaken to
our true nature, life rises to a whole new level. As we add this awareness to
our life, as it fills us, it changes us. It expands our life in more ways than
we can imagine.
Once we are focused on our true nature, then creating all those
things takes on a completely different perspective. Some things will loose
their appeal altogether. Other desires will simply become fun to create and
then we will give them away. Still others might remain, but their importance
will never usurp the real point: to be who we are – a Creator!
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